+66 2 888 2995 to 8 จ. - ส.: 08:30 - 17:30 29/33 ถ.บรมราชชนนี ศาลาธรรมสพน์ ทวีวัฒนา
+66 34 878 373 จ. - ส.: 08:30 - 17:30 58/1 คลองมะเดื่อ กระทุ่มแบน
ISO 9001:2015
มอก. 934-2558

Suvarnabhumi Airport

Terminal Building G Floor
ProblemsCool Air Escapes From Building
EffectsHigh Electricity Bill & Unstable Temperature Control
SolutionDual Air Curtain (Vertical & Horizontal)
BenefitsEnergy Saving & Cool Air Blocking

High Building Static Pressure

Suvarnabhumi Airport was equipped with an advanced and powerful A/C system. With strong fresh air supply, the interior static pressure of the building was quite high. This resulted in cool air leakage through the doors among which the revolving doors on the Ground floor were the most distinct.

We implemented a double Air Curtain solution to cope with this challenge. A powerful vertical Air Curtain barrier on the inside and another powerful horizontal Air Curtain barrier on the outside.

Dual Air Curtain Solution
(Vertical & Horizontal)

Block hot/cold air and dust

Stable Temperature Control

Less leakage makes interior temperature more stable, improving BAS functions.

Less Energy Loss = Less Expenses

Less burden on A/C system

Less electricity bill

Less maintenance costs

Thank you!

For Reading